
To start PERSONA photography is a passion project I’ve been wanting to do for awhile. My past is a long story and definitely an interesting one. From Film School to finding my passion again. Its been a crazy road.

That brings me to who is PERSONA.

PERSONA is an alias a mantra if you will. As an artist I found the product sometimes becomes secondary to its creator. That’s not what I want. I want my art to be front and centre and my name to be far in the background.

I want my art to define me, not the other way around. In doing so I’ve disassociated my given name with my artwork to gain a fresh perspective.

I’m willing to do any events, any portraits, any shoot any where. There are limits to what I can do but I will always be upfront and honest with you.

My promise to you is to put out the best contest I can. As much as I can. I want to work with you. Let’s work together, and make some amazing content.


Fortune Favours the Bold.